Developing Bass Solo

Bass soloing is simply the way of expressing yourself by playing bass in the way you feel best known to you. it is an increasingly used musical part in different musical genres – in small and big musical groups but often used especially in small groups.Solo is usually improvised. It can also be written and learned, but played by heart because it requires a double - finger technique,  slap playing, scaling and other bass techniques.

Rules to Develop Bass Solo
  • Do not improvise interminably when playing a solo. Do not play mechanically and become a music machine. Finish an individual musical phrase with a pause or let the sound fade out slowly and then start with a new musical phrase.
  • Develop and enhance the solo with sense and feeling, to which you add emotions. Be relaxed.
  • If it’s solo, you’re free!: One thing that’s nice about everyone dropping out is that it doesn't always matter if we follow the form. We can, in fact, abandon the tune all together and go off on our own planet (groove solo, for example) and simply cue the band back in by going back to that last A section (for example) and leading everyone back in gently (or even better, by playing the end of the head).
  • The bass solo must have a pleasant musical (jazz) and logical melodic connection: Take the chord progression into account. Develop your own and interesting modulation. Use the scale tones and any other tones we pass over quickly reasonably. You have to learn the scales and harmonic structures (chord progression) by hearth.
  • Use the melody as your guide: If we learn the melodies to the tune, not only can we hear it in our heads (hopefully), but it can serve as the entire foundation for our solo. Nothing wrong with one solid chorus of an ornamented melody. Now, if you’re going to play multiple choruses, you might not want to just repeat the process. A solo needs to develop and lead somewhere, so you’ll need to continue to develop your playing in order to have something to say on your own.


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