Power Chords

Guitar Power Chords can be two or more notes that are played together. These Chords are the easiest chords you will learn. These are easier than learning open chords! I even suggest you learn Power Chords before you learn open chords, because it will give you a good foundation of root notes and music theory.  When learning your guitar chords, these should be the first you learn. These are the easiest to understand and require less finger dexterity than other chords.

 In order to learn power chords effectively, you'll need to really understand the names of the notes on the neck of the guitar. In some styles of music, particularly in rock and roll, it's not always necessary to play a big, full sounding chord. Often, especially on an electric guitar, it sounds best to play two-or-three note chords. This is when power chords come in handy.
Power chords have been popular since the birth of blues music, but when grunge music started to rise in popularity, many bands chose to use power chords almost exclusively, instead of more "traditional" chords. The power chords we are about to learn are "movable chords", meaning that, unlike the chords we've learned so far, we can move their position up or down the neck, to create different power chords.


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