Predict Which Chord Comes Next

Ever wondered what chord comes next when you are playing your instruments, here is what i will tell you. In any given key you can play in, there are PRIMARY CHORDS (Founders) - this are chords that you play more than once in a song. 

For example lets say you want to build your home. the first thing you will think of is  laying your foundation because a house cannot stand without it foundation so also are music chords. When the foundation is been laied other things can fix fixed easily.

So lets say i'm playing a song  in the Key of C, and the first chord is the C chord and I have to guess what the next chord is, I would guess that it would be either the F chord or the G chord. Why? Because those are the other "Founders". So we have narrowed the odds a great deal first by knowing the founders and then the rest. Here is the little secret that i used to guess which chord comes next.

So how could I tell whether it should be F or G?
If the melody is a "B", then the chord is probably a G chord. Why? Because "B" is in the G chord, but is not in the F chord.
If the melody is a "A", than I would guess that the chord is F. Why? Because "A" is in the F chord, but is not in the G chord.
Does that mean that there are always just 3 chords in a song? No, but there are literally hundreds of songs that are made of just 3 chords.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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