Transposing Chords

 You often find out that the song you wish to play may be written in a different key which you are not good on maybe the key of A# and you wish to play this in a key which has easy chords probably C,G or F.When transposing you will be moving upwards or downwards.

Transposing Instruments:they are instruments that play in a different key to the piano(they automatically transpose) - the actual pitches they play are different from what is written in the music. For example, the B-flat Trumpet transposes down by a Major second. For a B-flat Trumpet the written note C would actually come out as B-flat.
example:When transposing the song Be Thou My Vision from key C to D it means moving every chord a whole step upwards

After transposing you should have:


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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