The first thing to focus on is how to create Pressure. One of the principal reasons beginners don't make great progress is because they practice guitar in a lazy way and without any specific goal in mind. They do not put any pressure on themselves and as a consequence their rate of improvement is slowed or even nonexistent.
The second is called looking for pivot fingers: It’s not really a “secret” among seasoned guitar players, and some of you may even remember me mentioning it before. But if you’re new to the art, then it will likely be an unfamiliar term. looking for pivot fingers basically means that less is more. In other words, if you reduce the amount of movement to get from point A to point B, you will become faster and more efficient.One of the ways you can apply looking for pivot fingers to your guitar chord changes, is by leaving your finger down on any string that is played in both the chord you’re on and the chord your moving to.For example, your 3rd finger plays the 2nd string for both the A major chord and D major chord. So, instead of taking your 3rd finger off the string and placing it back down again when moving from one chord to the other, just slide it from the 2nd fret to the 3rd fret.
This next secret is very easy to do and also very effective.Let’s say you are strumming a 4/4 rhythm on the chord G and you just can’t seem to change to the chord C without missing the first beat. Here’s what to do.
- * Hold the chord G and strum the first three beats.
- * Lift your hand on the fourth beat and at the same time strum the open strings as you move to the chord C.
- * Strum C on the first beat, second beat, and third beat.
- * On the fourth beat lift your hand and at the same time strum the open strings as you move back to the G chord and time for the first beat.
- * Continue on in this manner while gradually increasing your speed (tempo).
The next is so simple and will help you when practicing. As you know we have a basic set of 10 open chords which give us an excellent foundation for playing a great many songs. Currently you may be very good at changing only between certain pairs of those chords such as E minor to G or C to A minor. Ideally what we want to achieve the same level of fluency between all 10 chords.A good way to begin is by selecting one chord, for example G, and make a list where you are paring that G chord with every other chord available. It would look like this.
G – Dm
G – Bm
G – D
G – A
G – E
G – Em
G – F
G – Am
You may have notice about the list I have created above. Firstly, my focus is squarely upon a G chord and I am relating every other chord in the set to that specific G major chord. In a future practice session you may choose to focus on any other chord and match it against all the others in the exact same fashion.