Paying All Major Chords In Seconds

All the Major chords (there are 12 of them) are on your fingertips so learning them will not be a problem.  Today, we are going go through those chords  and be able to play them in seconds -- not hours or days or weeks or months or years. Some people might spend their entire lives playing chords and not being sure about what the major chords are. It's also necessary that you can memorize them in just a few minutes, a learn to play them in 12 seconds or less - probably one second per major chord.

Hidden Secrets:

  • The first thing you must know is that 3 of the major chords were made of "all white" Ex C-chord (C,E,G), F-chord (F,A,C) and the G-chord (G,B,D).
  • The second secret is that 3 of the major chords were made of  this special rule "white keys on the outside, with a black key in the middle" Ex: D-chord (D,F#/Gb,A), E-chord (E,G#/Ab,B), A-chord (A,C#/Db,E).
  • The third thing is that 3 of the major chords were formed from the rule "Black on the outside, white on the inside" Ex: C#/Db-chord (C#/Db,F,G#/Ab), D#/Eb-chord (Eb,G,A#/Bb), G#/Ab-chord (G#/Ab,C,D#/Eb).
  • The last 3 major chords, one of which is "all black", and one of which is "white, black, black", and the other the reverse --"black, white, white" Ex: F#/Gb(all black)-chord (F#/Gb,A#/Bb,C#/Db), B(white,black,black)-chord (B,D#/Eb,F#/GB), Bb(black,white,white)-chord (A#/Bb,D,F).
Here is a simple chord cheat sheet that will help you:


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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